Oh yea, did you know, that on the new year's morning, nick and his friend was playing thruth and dare. It happens to be, theres only me and this other girl who are the only girls down there. But i was'nt playing. i was just by nick's side to listen to most of their talkings. So, apparently it was nick's turn and this girl was like playing with my fire. I knew something horrible would utter from her mouth. 1st questions she ask was, OBVIOUSLY ABOUT LOVE'S PAST. I knew she have this cruel intention of making me, like somehow fight with him over his past, or maybe like dig in into his past, BUT com'on luh. I love my bf now, and the fact that i know he loves me deeply too, who cares about his past?! GRRRRRR-RAM AJER!
Itu takpe, i take that like first warning gitu luh kan. then i told love i felt like shoving her fan in her mouth if she were to utter about the same thing on the second round. So, apparently, it was nick's second round. His friends first question was, "wat was the sweetest thing you've said to aminah" ITU TAKPE, But apparently, while love was thinking about how to answer, that girl was like asking him, "if you can leave your ex for some other girl, what makes you think that you would'nt leave her." And then im like eh eh pompan ni. melebih pulak. Luckily love was like raising his voice at her. EEEEEE geram tau. da lah kaki mcm lidi gitu. GRR. Eh hello, the reason why im with him is because i trust my bf and i know that he wouldn't do such things to me, unless i mistreated him or something, so why bother asking.
Apparently love told me that most of the girls and guys hate her. Now i could see, why should she be hated for.