It was goodbye was'nt it?
hahahhahaa. don't you wish that sometimes, you could just get your ass off singapore and enjoy living in a world you've ever wanted to live in?
Sometimes, i wish that im living a life like the ones in "the hills". Rich kids. They could get whatever they want while having the best life they could possibly get. GoshDarnIt.
What i like about them is that, they are independent.
They could get their ass off their city and study at some other states, living in their own apartment. Or share it with their friends.
Now tell me, ain't that sweeet?!
I want an apartment of my own. I want to be independent.
I could do whatever i want by then. There's no restrain in being home late.
There'll be no nags fo sure.
Then i wanna work to support myself.
I want to be one of them!
I think if i had this chance, probably i would want to go to the states
Okay, shit. im getting C throghout the whole week.
EXPECTED!! hahahha.
Oh, and realised i didn't blog about this weird day of mine on tues, when i went to geylang with my sis and her friends. Seriously it was weird. First was, i find it weird that we saw this man selling tissue paper with a weird melody and lyrics. Seriously, i was clueless about any of the words he said. It was like "I Like tick-kle-lot-tick-kle-lot da watever-shit-he-was-mumbling." But boy it was damn funny. Seriously it is. I could'nt controlled my laughter but to laugh at the poor soul down there. He was nice la. He kept smiling all the way. Ain't he sweet?! hahahaha.
So next, We got scolded by a transversite in joochiat while queueing up for bubble tea. OMG. seriously, i was scared la. I was so stoned that i did'nt even look him-her in the eye. He was shouting at us ok. He was saying "Good girls don't laugh at a bapok like me. Sundal. Aku sepak baru tahu." I know he-she was'nt saying at me because i did'nt even lay my eyes on him-her. In fact it was one of my sis fren who did. But she was laughing at this baby who was so cute and took a glance on the shemale. hahaha. But ass, he got mad at us for that. the only thing i was scared off was he swinging his-her hand on my face. i was just by his-her side ok!! Scary shit okay. I stood there all-stoned and when he-she was shoutiing i kept my view on my sis all the way telling her "Eh i want green apple ice." "I WANT GREEN APPLE ICE" then i look at sarah's face, So funny lah her reaction. hahahhahaha! face muka cam nak mati gitu. at least my face was'nt cramped lyk hers. I guess that shemale was just not in the mood la. No entertainers i guess? ahhahahahha. asssssss.
Then on my way home, me and my sis saw this women who was running away from sumthing or sumone or another possibility was just that she was mad? with a sleeping gown. Weird ain't it? a women, almost midnight, running around with her sleeping gown. what's worst was that, we nearly saw her running into a car. We thought she was commiting suicide. Like seriously, she dash from the void deck. Down the slope, and off to the road even when she saw the taxi was passing by. Luckily the taxi stop la. Or else, i guess it would be the first time i see the most horrifying thing in my life. Gosh.
Ok. goodbye readers who would read this crap. hahahhaa.
Oh yes, happy birthday sharylie sayang.