Ahhh. Don't take my, Don't break my, Don't don't don't throw it away.
ok, HOW GREAT. i got teeny weeny eyes today.Fuck my brother who kept me crying all night long.
It seriously was'nt the push or whut okay.
It was just that, it hurt me so bad, inside.
Ok, first of all, what the fuck is his problem sia?
i went into the room, i wanted to take the disc, so i said "excuse me".
And there he was throwing his anger towards me.
It just sucks you know, people doing mean thing towards you.
I was crying so bad. I was so sad and now he's making me more sad.
Enough already. I'm a girl with a heart too.
Im a girl who's willing to be hurt and not wanting other's to hurt.
I take strange steps, i know.
Rite now, the only people who really know how i feel is my sister and my friends.
And thx elia for being there yesterday for listening to my oh-so-can't-hear-voice.