She's searching for no one, but herself
Could you feel it sometimes?
When something just felt so wrong, that it makes you so so sad.
That sometimes you feel like crying without any reasons why?
And you just don't know why, why you're in this state of mind.
Grr, shitty is probably the right word to explains it all.
Something just feel so wrong right now,
that it makes me feel soo down right now.
and seriously, dun even bother asking me why because i have no freaking idea why.
grrrrrr. Its just bothering me right now.
and i wonder why...
And god knoes, i hate thinking.
i hate thinking about anything right now.
my brain cells is pretty much deflating right now.
and i swear to god, i've been wasting so much these past few days.
and that the only ones left are probably eating up my brains right now.
so right now, im sad, and i dun even wanna think about it.
maybe izuan's rite, maybe im just spending too much time listening to sappy songs.
but i dunno, somehow, i just feel, something is just not right.