Yesterday, you were something. Today, you are nothing.
sup bloggger!its 10:53 AM right now. Surprise Surprise!
Wonder wth am i doing early this morning?
Well, i can't sleep today. Not that i can't sleep because im not tired. I told myself, that i shall not sleep today. I keep staring at the damn clock, thinking, shall i get to bed?! Gosh. Seriously, my eyes can't barely open any longer. And i don't think my brains are functioning well either. But im forcing myself real hard to stay awake. Reason behind all this, is obviously, im thinking of breaking my unhealthy habits. I've been waking up late this days. And strangely enough, sometimes i would wake up when the day turns to dusk. PIG ain't i?! grr. But hey, yesterday im a pig, today, im a dead zombie, tommorrow im a princess. HEE :D
Mom was all weird just now. She woke up and asked, u wanted a dress did'nt you? *which obviously i've been wanting it since months ago* I swear that was freaky. Since when have she ever thought of buying me a dress. So i told her, yea. And then she went like "Where is it? vivo rite? okay lets go!" Freakish ain't it? hah. Its good that she's in a good mood, but at the very wrong timing luh. i told her i can't go out today. So i told her to go out tmr instead. i can't go out not having any sleep at all! else, i'll get cranky.
Its been rainy these days. I love it when it rains. It keeps me cold. I love the streets when its all wet. If i could paint, probably, i would paint the streets.
Oh i've been thinking of continuing dancing.
But, the thought of going kallang every weekend... sheesh... kills me.
So yea, still thinking..
ORYTEYS MATES! im gonna try making my very own, ice mocha for now.
till then, toodles!