So, Who's gonna catch me when i fall?
Shits been pretty shitty lately for me.
My sis is being such a bitch on me.
thx for cursing me and stuffs.
In my life, i choose to do what's right for me.
I dun need sumone controlling over my fucking life.
I dun need sumone, to even choose who they think is right for me.
I took an oath and i stand by it.
I hate what im going through rite now. seriously.
I find nothingness in life.
I listen to my heart everytym.
And i pretty much know what it wants.
So buzz off okay! =(
So urm, there was Lunar moon eclipse today. Was ecpecting to see the moon. But i just could'nt find where the heck is east. So i walked around my neighbourhood. I even went up to the 16th storey of sum flats just to catch the moon rises. BUT I COULD'NT SEE IT! hahaha. I guess there was too much clouds. But i could see a part of the sky which was orangy. could it be it? So yea, forget abt it! just watch at the news instead. ahahhaha!
If there's joy, i'll reach out for it.
But what's the point of being in a place where there's absence of it.
it's gone.
you gotta understand what i need.
you're just not it.