Im losing my voice. =(
And so, yest, RP had a party. and damn, it was boring. Seriously it is.
Had my friends over at my house b4 that.
Me and eliane dyed our hair ruby red. But it did'nt turn out red at all.
it was more to dark brown. *sigh*
Oh yea, i got my first C for my UT man! dammmit. ergh! Initially, i got a D+ luckily it was moderated to a C. phew~
Anyway, come on la. this is life. not sum drama shits. so, plz eh! stop the drama drama thing. cuz it's getting on my nerve. Couple this la. Couple that la. COME ON!! i dun need to hear all this rite now. Evry word that u speak, are all lies.
Im tired. I refuse to talk. I feel like crying. =(
anyhoos, heres sum of tues pictures.