I give you my heart on a string. i just don't want to miss anything.
It kept me wondering, when ur heart beats so fast, what does that actually mean?
Could it be that, one is scared?
But what if it beats so fast but theres actually no reason to be scared of?
or is it something bad is going to happen?
or otherwise?
I think my phone is on a verge of it's dying days. Now, i can't press 0 7 and 9. i can't take pictures either. lights for keypad aint working anymore. sigh~ shitty shitty day. My body feel so hot this few days. lacking of sleep? maybe. Went back home, really exhausted. luckily by the time i got home, i get to eat. Mood was pretty much shitty today. after eating, went to bed and im off to lala land.
I think my friends realise the sudden mood of change after sitting at mc d's. sorrrrry ye. *kiss*
My PP supervisor called me recently, he was asking about my PP, and i went like "err, i have'nt start yet" Gosh. i seriously need to start on this freaking thing. But the problem now is, how? how should i even start?! =(
I got a design to do too. but who shall i work for? style ig or eva? should i even do this thing when i got PP to finish up with. But i get paid for eva tho. sheeeeesh.
Class was pretty much shitty today. But i made new friends. I understand how aqila feels. But, im seriously use to this kind of environment. seriously. Yr 1 sem 2 was a bitch. But i manage to pull it off. Being in this class now with aqila, i shall say, thank god. Luckily she's there to make me talk and make me smile sumhow. Playing psp games with her was the best, noisy!! though i keep winning her *ehheemmm*, i gave her a chance today ye aqila ;P
So tommorow, heading out to break fast with the beloved cuzzies at vivo. Which in fact, is the first time we're gonna do this cuzzies gathering thing tho there's only the 7 of us. ahhaha.
sometimes, reading random people blogs makes me soo jealous and sad too.
im tired. not really tired "tired". the "tired of my life" kindda thing.
"tired" of everything kindda thing.
i feel so shitty. sick. useless. hopeless.
i feel that, i've hurt so many people in my life.
and for that, i hate myself.
i am sorry.