Goodbye. Im letting it go.
Oh wow, i realise i have'nt been updating much these days huh?
i guess, i won't be updating much now.
for, umm... no reasons.
whatever it is, i think im a happy girl now.
im at school rite now. grr, where else can i be!?
but it's okay, school's ending real soon.
and i mean, realllllly soon. yey!
me and aqila are going for job hunting soon.
any job offers anyone?!
so, a lot of things happened lately, but i dun wish to talk about it here.
But urm.... i've rebonded my hair.
and oh, cold war still going on between my dad and me.
both refused to talk to each other.
eh Gossip girl is so addictive luh.
i've been spending a lot of time watching that.
i love that boy, dan. he's sooo... nice.
just the type i like.
you know you love me,
"I'm alive but I’m losing all my drive
Cause everything were been through
And everything about you
Seemed to be a lie
A guiltless twisted lie
It made me learn to hate you
Or hate myself for letting it pass by
All I had to say is goodbye
Were better off this way"