
Monday, April 21, 2008

You're every minute of my every day

You're every minute of my every day

okay, i think im pregnant. NOT.
ahhahahhaha. my stomach, is getting fatter.
God, y does it hafta get bigger and smaller at times.

And do you guys know that one of the symptoms that will show you you're pregnant is by coughing. that's what i heard luh. So are you coughing rite now?! GO DOCTOR. you might be pregnant. hahaha.

So that saturday, i came to realised something about me and nick.
If we were to ever get into amazing race together, i swear to god, we'll be the last in the very first round. HAHAHAHA. and im serious abt that.
We always seem to not know where we are heading and just find our way out together.
There was once where we thought we were already at habourfront and when we alighted the train we come to realise that omg, its only, outram station. -_____________- HAHAHA.

Kay, as always, im late today AGIAN, and rite now, im having my module, digital audio and video. On filming todayyy, and omg, i swear to god, i'll make a bad actress fo sure. When i looked back at that stupid video comercial we did, i swear i look moronic, stupid and ridiculous okay. Its really stupid ok. there was'nt any script, so everything was impromptu. and i went lyk "eh! stop stop!". So now, mikal's teasing me on how stupid i was. ASSSSSSSSS. hahhaa.

Alryteeeeeeeee, class ending soon. will update soon.