I will be
i've been meeting nick a lot this few days.
meeting him = laughters + more laughters + more crap.
but sadly, someone's going ns soon eh. oh oh.
I walked to school today accompanied with my bad mood. I just don't know why, but my mom is really pissing me off this days. Maybe im just not in the mood luh. And it sucks, when you hafto rushed urself to school everyday, knowing that you'll be downgraded. The more you get downgraded, the more demotivated you'll get. AND YOU JUST GET SICK AND TIRED OF SCHOOLING EVERY SINGLE MORNING. and do you know what you'll do next, you just skip! But, im getting sick and tired of skipping, and i get sick and tired of schooling either. Soon enough, i'll get sick and tired of myself. So how?
I realised i came to know a lot of may babies. 4 of my cousins are born on may, my bro, my mom, aqila and justin. But today's a special day, its my bitch birthday and she turned 20 this year.

Her advance surprise party went well. i swear she looked stoked. hahahha. and she went lyk "OMG, I LOOK SO BACIN" ahhahahhaha. Her mom was nice and all. Cooked for us mee soto and all. Aqila got a specially made sponge cake with a volcom on it and It looks super pretty luh. She must be lucky ey. hahahahha.
Left her house at ard 7, took a looooooooong walk to yishun mrt. I swear it was tiring. And i can see that even nick got tired. haha. and the weather, god. its killing me seriously. Its been humid this few days. i've been losing and wasting a lot of sweat lately okayyy. i can't stand the weather now luhhhhhhhhh. Honestly, if you had to ask me to choose between the rain or the sun, with all my heart, i choose the snow okay. HAHAHA. kaaaaaaaay that will never happen.
I've been gaining a lot of weight lately. My tummy, is getting bigger day by day. GOOODNESSS. somebody, i need liposuction pls. from my tummy to my arm, to my thighs. EVERYWHERE. hahahhaha.
Kay im drinking hot chocolate right now, its yummmmehhh. and this faci is mumbling words i never did manage to catch. All i could hear right now is "Claass is going to end sooon..."
i 've been trying to get online from just now.
even if i could, i can't manage to send my msg.
bla bla bla bla bla.
you know you love me.