Trading Heartbeats
I really don't like it when people judge someone like they know them for years.
I hate it especially when they kno nothing at all and they pretend like they know sooooo freaking much and they start judging on em.
And then you starts to listen.
Funny somehow. How this world goes about.
you always think you're right.
But you're not.
So how do you know you're right?
Life, leads us to choices.
And these choices had to be made.
You'll never run away from it.
No matter how hard you'll run, they'll always find their way back to ya.
Then it comes to fate.
To follow your instinct, or to listen to others.
"Trust your instinct", they said.
But, those instincts are'nt always right.
They're made believe.
So how? Listen to others?
Dammit. You're stuck. A state of confusion.
choices = a risk taker.
And then no matter what choices you've made, sooner or later, you tend to question yourself, what if i had choose otherwise, would it be for the better?
Truth is, You'll never be satisfied.
So lesson learnt, life is really complicating.
Really cruel at times. They tricked your mind, to play with your emotions.
They just don't go the way you want to.
Its either you get it, or you just don't.
As for me, i'll always trust my instinct.
And when things don't go the way i want to,
Then we'll talk about it later kay!?
I know none of this make sense.
Haha. Obviously, because these words are coming from me.
So this make sense to me and only me.
But know that, im really happy with where i am now.
Really i do.
So please beings, be nice, don't stop me from being happy.
Now pretty,

I've searched high and low for you dammit, but to no avail.
I used to get you at sembawang shopping centre!
But sembawang shopping centre's demolished :(
And you're not even there at your own ben & jerry store!
Where are you now huh?! huh?! huh?!
Alryte, I want to eat that!
Im thirsty.
Im feeling so darn hot now.
I miss love.
Im tired.
Adios amigos!