im supposed to start on my sisters wedding invitation card. but i got nothing in my mind right now. so i find it hard to even start designing the card. i need ideas to start. but i've got no freaking idea. and all thx to her for not being cooperative enough and giving me this stupid job to do.
have you ever had sumones picture, whom they sent it to you. and u realise that there's sumone else in the background? my point is, do you know that, ya'll will never know that, that sumone in that background could be sumone u would fall for next? So now, look closer in every of ur pictures. coz u'll never know u'll fall for the person in the background instead of that person in focus. now, go look! look! maybe that bangla in that pic of urs could be a part of ur life too. eh u'll never know u knoe. ahahhaha! i was shock to see sumone i know in the background of sumone's picture and that the person is sumone i know now. strange eh. *NO NOT BANGLA!* ahhahahha.
and that reminds me of a quote from one tree hill.
"You ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you, how many moments of other peoples lives have we been in, we're we a part of someone's life when their dreams came true, or were we there when their dreams died. Did we keep trying to get in, as if we were somehow destined to be there, or did the shot take us by surprise. Just think, you could be a big part of someone else's life, and not even know it." ---> one tree hill
Anyway, was bloghopping, and i bloghopped to aqila's blog. she posted some pics of MY FEET! wth kan. hahah. and yea,

its normal la!! sum people could do this tooo la. now u're weird!
i feel so stupid rite now ah.
i don't even know what i want anymore.
sumtyms, knowing the truth hurts.
but i keep seeking for the truth.
but it hurts. so wat's the point of hurting myself?