There's no point in pretending =D.
I hate this website called 'google'.
Yesterday was really a tiring day for me. Sat in long john, and started crying due to the tiredness. Yesterday's lesson was really hectic since KY had to leave early, and the team was down to 3, we really had trouble filming. and i realise i would make such a bad actress. But afterall, i had fun with these people in my class. they really made my day.

saya cinta kamu semua!! saya tidak mahu berpisahin sama kamu semua. =(
and of coz, my first sem's classmates too.
My charger's aint working again. dammit. irritating uh. can't stand it when my things keeps dying off on me.
Why do i wake up every morning, feeling the same old shit all the tym? being sad. but don't even know why the hell am i sad. But few songs made my day today.
'mimpi'. it was the first song that stole my heart away.
'dance with me'. thinking, reminiscing about those days. the dance, u danced. fun, funny and enjoyable. i laughed =D
'salam rindu'. that dedication. hah. i miss those tyms.
ur friends. my cousin. haha. strange. we're close frens. but it seems we're just too close. was just browsing thru my old CDS anyway. In fact his the the first netfren ever to meet. and i came upon those songs. depress i was after u graduated. you left me hanging and came back into my life a year later and apologise trying to get back on track. but sadly i chose a decision that i thought was right at that point of time. but we still were in contact but just as an msn friend till now. this happens yonks ago anyway. 3 years back?
but that's not the point. the point is, why people leave?
and they come back whenever they want to.
it's only the matter of time.
and it hurts.
anyway, it was definitely a shock to receive a msg from him saying he saw me at cwp.
it has been yonks since we last met, and im surprise u still have my no. the first thing that came out from his mouth was "i knew it was you when i saw the vans shoe" hahaha. wth. and just a song could remind me all of this. ain't it funny?
I hate it when i tell myself, not to fall for anyone but eventually when sumone did open my heart, i accidentally fall for them.
I hate it when people say things but they dun mean it.
I hate it when i feel like a fool.
but mostly, i hate myself for not opening up.
I don't blame them. but i blame myself for it.
im just... too afraid to fall.
Am i the saddest girl in the world today?
knowing something i should've not know.
Oh boy, find me a locksmith who could find the key to open up my heart.