i forgot to bring my sweater.
and i never wore any earrings today. GAH. so empty.
and yet im late to school!
have u ever went into the lift, like with a friend of yours, and when u reach to the level u intend to go out, there's tonnes of people waiting outside. Waiting for you to get out of the lift so that they could go in, and all of them were staring at you? FREAKY LA! ahhahah. lyk want to eat people sia. I looked at everyone's expression. Semua muka boring sia. hahahhaha. funny funny.
Right now, im at school doing web multimedia. For todays topic, we must create a storyboard on how do we want to make an advertisement on promoting your own instant noodle.
Aishah : "how do you separate instant and noodle ah?"
Jun Wei : "put a space in between la."
HAHAHAHAH. funny ah jun wei. imagine ah. if u had spiderman promoting your own instant noodle. spiderman normally shoot webs right? but ur spiderman shoot noodles on one hand and the other hand shoot out the soup. thennn in your ad, u have spidey shoot noodles in everyones mouth. COOOL SHIT! hahahhaa. imagine ah!!!!! funny sia! spiderman's face serious serious then shoots noodle sia! ahhahah. k crap. CRAP. hahah.
Do you know that, last week, me and classmates went down to 7-11 to buy some stuff. So liana decided to buy a big gulp. grape to be precise. she filled 3/4 of the cup when she realise there were ants in the freaking drink. MANY of them okay!! gosh. disgusting sia. I always buy big gulp recently. imagine if i were to buy and i did'nt realise there were ants in my drink. And i just drink it! EWWWWWWWWWWWW. SEMUT SEMUT SIA TEKAK AKU! hahahahhaa. ergh! jijik hamba!
I kindda think that ants are starting to love me la. ok la. at least im loved. HAHA. kasihani la hamba ini. wth. hahah whenever i leave a cup of drink in my room and left it there for 1 hr osumthink, ants will come out of nowhere ah. irritating at tyms ah.
yest, i had nothing better to do, took pictures with sister.
kindda pathetic to say this, but i seriously don't know what i'd be without her.
plz. this is all bullshit pose aite. so yea. mind the picture.

I got the receipe if u want.
ok. now i feel lyk watching movie ah. =(
anyways, sumthink i'd like to share.
my first semester class. kindda miss this people la! tho i still am sticking with some. i really do miss the others. And im too afraid to leave w66c. GAHHHH!!!!! i love my class now.