Wednesday, August 10, 2005
B o w l i n g
Todae at ard 1020, leasha came my house. It was supposed to be at 1030! Ergh! Fuck! i have'nt even took a shower or even brush my teeth! Hurhur! Was soo sleepy la. can't even bare to open my eyes. K so, when leasha come, i went to take a shower, ask her to wait fer the rest to come. While i was taking a shower, azimah come and anna was late! Hurhur! We watch charlie and the chocolate factory at my house, since leasha's house is... erm... i dun exactly knoe y we can't go to her house. So after watching, Siap2 then go play bowling at safra with Anna, azimah, fanny, faizal and haleem. Was fun! Although it was embarrasing man! K there was once when i throw the ball, That fuckin ball move backwards! ARGH!! I WAS SO MALU MAN! HUMILIATING~! people were all laughing! HEY IM A BEGINNER OK! haha. the ball was too heavy ler not my fault! Hurhur! but the 1st round, i got the 4th place! 4th place was ok fer beginner! Hee. K then went for the second round. I started off wif 0's man. but at the end, i manage to get 2 strikes in a row! Woohooo~! God was by my side la. Hurhur! I love u god! So i won this round! FERST! huahahahaha. TOO BAD ANNA! I WIN U! NOT TYCO OK! hurhurhur! after playing 2 round, we went to northpoint to eat uh. eat eat eat. Then went to timezone. PLay play play. I win fannny in the car race! HURHUR! lucky day la! finally, went home at ard 8+.
Comments by IntenseDebate
B o w l i n g
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