She think she knows everything. But she know nothing about us at all.Sayang, knowing you was a blessed.
From the moment i knew you, i knew we are just meant to be.
To know each other for a year before we even got together, was already a test.
Come to think of it we've been through a lot even before we even got together.
How silly of me, when i wanted to give up on you during those years, when i have'nt even tried.
I gave you time and
I've seen you changed so much for me.
You've respect me,
You've been protecting me,
you've taken care of me when i'm most needed.
You wiped my tears and told me, everything is going to be alright.
Its almost 2 years now we've known each other.
And i love you more than ever.
You told me now and said "baby, nothing's gonna stop us"
And i know its true, nothing will.
If god permits, you'll be the only one for me.
Baby, You're the best thing that has ever happen to me.
Sayang got 4 days MC, had this feeling that the han river bbq food that we ate with my family the day before he book in might have caused it. haha.
But anyhoos, had my first practical today. Was fun.
Sayang was there to watch me drive the car.
So funny.
Keep on laughing on how stupid i get changing the gears and all.
Even the instructor was laughing on how belo i was.
But after a while, i manage to get a hold of the car.
Drove around in the circuit. Im still weak at my steering tho.
Can't wait for friday again.
And this time, i don't need to worry about the rain hitting on us anymore.
Am sharing money this time with bro to buy a new car.
and his gonna get a vespa. so im gonna get to drive the car sometime.
Hospital on the 26th. Graduation preparation on the 27th. Final theory on the 28th. I wonder will i manage to be strong. sigh. But i sure do hope i'll pass my FTT.
I know i have'nt been updating any pictures at all.
Kite flying with familySpent one of the sundays with sayang, bro's gf and family.
We went out for kite flying session.
Sayang and me was like, how lame can this be.
But when we start flying the kite. We realise how fun it was.
Especially when we are the ones that was the only one who was able to fly the kite.
Bro and sara was struggling all the way. and we just laughed at them. seeing how much they had to run just to get their kite flying.
Sis and wan's kite was the lamest ever. haha. it was made of paper. The wind was too strong to get their kite torn apart.

After so much hardwork sayang tried to fly the kite, I accidentally let it flew away. -__-

And when night came, we went to choa chu kang for dinner.

KL & GentingEveryone surprised me with eliane for the trip. Haha. And apparently it was her bdae. After her celebration at the chalet she actually came over at my house at midnight to surprise me. and indeeed yea, it was a surprise. Head to KL and genting for some holidays and it sure is fun. I actually spent a total of almost 700RM for shopping. HAH! and i am a happy happy girl.

And im very much happy with my macbeth sneakers. Wanted to get sayang the guy version of the sneakers, but i was just short of cash. sigh. bought him shirt, tshirt and a mesh cap instead.