Kiss me, down by the broken tree house.
Im in love with the song. Kiss Me - NFG.
i like their cover better.
Okay. Im pretty much stupid i guess. hahahha.
So, Luqman confident ckp today, 1230, there will be the planet mars by the moon. HAHA. And we will get to see it. I told him, how could it be. It happen years b4 i think, ard 2 - 5 years back i guess? hahaha. He kept insisting that it is true. I search on the net. it is true that people had been talking about it but it stated that it was an email hoax. So i told him, it isn't true.
Ahh, 1230, took my dslr, look out of my window and capture the picture of the lonely moon. haha. NO MARS OK. ahhaha. belo.

Ok, i was being stupid, looking out of my window, capturing the pretty lonely moon and i dropped my camera cover out of the window. STUPID KAN! and now, the thought of going down to void deck at this hour alone is scary. If theres isn't any sounds of people talking i guess i would go down. ERGH. So now, im watching over it, waiting fer my bro to come home and take it.
Anyway, im done doing those posters. and it turn out pretty ugly. coz it was last min work la. and i did'nt get much time either to improvise either.

I need to go yishun to change my lens and thread. =( anyone?
and oh, i hate it when i chat with people, and all they could say is. "im daymn bored". i mean, everytym. it's okay if its once in a while. just don't say it to me consecutively.
My computer has been switched on for lyk 2 days now. Time for it to rest now.