They just keep coming like gunshots.
I saw fadhil today. And I went lyk, wth! He’s with a girl. Nevermind about that. Did’nt took notice if he realized it was me or not cuz it’s been so long since we last met. Uhh. It aches thinking about the past. It aches me to realize how I was treated and how they were treated. Ahh regrets. That’s all I can say. But! That’s not the point. The point is that, I keep seeing them one by one. And they’re hitting me lyk gunshots. O god, what is that hidden meaning behind all this shit? It’d be best if it stop. Cuz, I don’t need all this right now.
So today, skipped school and went to sentosa. The plan was to spend our time at the beach, take a dip in the sea osumthink, but end up we did’nt due to the weather. So all we did was walking around sentosa taking pictures. Tiring I guess. So sentosa left us with err, tiredness? So we head down to esplanade around 6 to watch the fireworks. Lots of peoples were there. But before the fireworks even started, me and eliane was gazing to the skies above to see the stars. And we saw sumthink white which was travelling at a fast speed. I actually thought it was a falling star. Hahaha. But apparently I think it was a white bird osumthink? But it is strange to see a white bird flying at a super fast speed. How I wish I could spot a falling star. =( So, after the fireworks ended, We ended up having our dinner at gluttons bay. Im pretty broke now. Might be catching the next fireworks tomorrow.
My connection at home is being an ass okay. Seriously, rite now, im doing all this shit in notepad, waiting for the right time to upload. I just can’t get myself signed in and I can’t check my mails. Starhub’s a bitch. Talking about that, I haven’t started on my PP yet. Thanks to me for that stupid idea on Starhub. And now I have no clue on how to start at all.
So now, rewind back to Thursday, went to school, super late, and I forgot to bring that rayband fer nizar. And thanks to my mom for not packing up my stuff properly, I did’nt brought my harddisk along wit me. And uli was saying I was bubbling him. Haha. Sorry. And I had fun playing twister with the classmate. Sadly I’m the second person to fall. I didn’t sleep the day before, due to that, when I finished my presentation ard 305 and I straight away took the cab home, take a short nap. I actually asked my mom to wake me up at ard 430, but I didn’t felt the presence of her waking me up and I ended up waking up ard 530 instead. And so I was late at meeting my sis. But she was with fauzy anyways. So yea, she didn’t mind I was late. The best part of going out with her is that I could get what I want easily for free! HAHAHA. Oh, the funniest moment yesterday was when an Indian guy walked by my sis and hit her, and he said sorry in a very slow manner. The sorry was super slow okay. I suddenly felt that the world was running slow mo fo a second. And so when I reached home, I was going to upload sum pictures I took, but then, I fell asleep doing so. And woke up ard 5 and then decided to cont sleeping.
Oh yea, due to tat tiredness yesterday, I did’nt do my RJ. And still, ryte now, I haven’t done so. Argh! Im 2 days late siak. Hahahha. *whatever!*
Alrytes now, I shall not blabber too long. Because, I know not many of u reads it. Well even so, I think they have a hard tym reading it due to my grammar errors or my sentence structure. Hahha. Ok here goes some pictures.
Sentosa Trip
Thursday = Twister
i'll upload the twister vid soon.
you musn't miss the fall of aisha!
super funny!!