I'll be waiting, time after time
So today is friday the 13th.
So, spend the last day with nick yesterday. The minute he saw me, he hugged me up so tight. And it makes my heart beats so fast that i don't even wish to let him go. But oh wells, no one can do anything about it. Sooner or later, he hafta leave also. So i just hafta learn to let go. Its not like as if his leaving forever rite?! Its only 3 weeks. I'll be okay i guess.
Shop for his stuffs at CWP, and i can't believe that they even had a particular colour code to watches. Its like prison in there. -__- So he got his hp, his watch, toiletries bla bla bla. Then we head off to urm, some plaza to eat KFC. Then he met his friends, and i sat there with him for a while. Talked and talked. Then he sent me off to the bus stop. He said stuffs that somehow makes me cry. And yea, I CRIED. pussy. ahhaha.
I hope his fine now. just got his msg a while ago. but didnt realise not until 20 mins later. dammit. dun think his with his phone now. its only day 1! and im already missing him.
OH, the other day, we were playing make up on each other. Head to school before that without any make up on because i was super late. So met nick after that, because the rest of my team member wanted to eat breeks. Because i was so broke, i did'nt have the mood to go to. So met him instead. So i was telling him on how lazy i am to put on make up and stuffs. So he wanted to try putting it on for me. thaught him how to, and i swear he cracks me up real bad. especially when he put me on the eyeshadow. He like macam paham luh kan! asked him "EH YOU KNOW HOW TO OR NOT!?" and he went like "YEA OF COZ AH! DIFFERENT TONE RITE? TRUST MY ARTISTIC SKILLS KAY" -___- Trusted him, and it was funny how he put em underneath my eyes. He was treating the eyeshadow like how we put concealer on our dark circles. hahhaha. i swear that was funny.
and i tot i wanted to see how would he would look like if he were to wear fake lashes.

i should've took the one with the makeup. dammit. yea, i've got nothing better to do, and so i put on him some make up too. hahaha. he really looks pretty luh! of cuz luh, i make him up wat! HAHA. But my stupid phone memory was running low low low low low.
pretttayboyyy. hee. i love you!