I'll be the wings that keeps your heart in the clouds
I have'nt been updating much have't i?Hmmmph.
Im surfing deviantart right now. And at the same time, im watching that 70's show.
Use to watch that 70s show till season 3, Now that i've got the complete season, i shall start watching again from now onwards.
I've realised that i stopped doing vectors. And i have'nt been using my drawing tablet. I shall start doing so when i have the time.
The last i did was for my dearest loga. A birthday card for her.

But now, im just so caught up with projects and more projects in school. I don't understand why, RP has to give us projects when they already force us to do 2 FYP's
1 of them is that stupid Animation project where all multimedia students hafta do, which i CHOOSE NOT TO, because i find it stupid and ridiculous that there's no grade given to us by doing so. So i see NO POINT in doing one. I mean, why the hell waste our effort to do one?! It was said that, by doing so, it will help us to build on our portfolio. I already got my designs now, so why worry on a portfolio?
Another project that we hafta do is that stupid filming shit we hafta do during this term break. WHATEVER FOR SIA?! I already did filming for my FYP, and now i hafta do the same shit for class project?! GOD. rp is killing me. Filming is shit okay. Imagine walking ard with that heavy stuffs around. Why can't they provide us with cars oso?! -__- And my team has only 1 guy in it. I bet my team's gonna sweat our ass of luh.
Just now i had FYP. And we manage to finish our audio recording just in time. Now that its done, we hafta start on the MTV. AGAIN. I hate it when it comes to filming. The first few times when u do it, Its fun and stuffs. But when you keep doing it for weeks and weeks, it gets really irritating. I swear. Filming,
is just not my forte in multimedia i guess.
My sis went for check up just now at hospital, but sadly i can't get to see it with them. Only my mom got to see it. And i got to see that baby in a piece of paper. hah. Its really wonderful how technology can do all this now. I really can't wait to be an aunt. I can't wait to see her. And i still can't believe that my sis would be a mom. hahhaa. i mean, it just felt like it was just yesterday she got married, and now, she's carrying a child in her. I can't wait, i can't wait. im so excited for her.
So next week, Nick is heading off to NS. How sad is that?! It seems like we have always meet each other almost every day now. And to just stop seeing you for the next 3 weeks, that's gonna be sad and i really think im gonna miss you and miss everything and im gonna learn to adapt to it. But im sure im gonna be fine with it and hope for the best for you. i hope time will be nice and make it as fast as possible. And i promise, i'll be good. I think that sometimes, maybe you would feel that i hide my feelings from you, because sometimes i just don't really know how to show it to you. but you need to know now that i really love you, And I think I have been since the moment we locked eyes. You were always someone special in my eyes. And it has always been. Im sorry i can be irritating at times. And for you to bare with that, i love ya many many, sloth. heeeeh.
cheeesayyyyyy~ haha.