Making memories
And so i've completed...

And now, im addicted to...
Its so fun to watch greek. Its all about life in college.
How i wish RP was a lot more like their school.
Where they have sorority and fraternity.
their own clan of brothers and sisterhood.
So fun. And wat makes it more fun is that everyones living in a house.
And they throw parties almost everyday.
Sometimes, i just wish for singapore to be an open country.
Bend all the stricts laws and all. And, just, live it up a lil!
And i just wish that someday i can just move out from my house.
Learn how to be independent, try surviving on my own, without the need of my parents to help me through. I just want... some... freedom.
I want to have a house on my own, cook for my own food, work my ass off to earn money, buy my own sets of bed sheets, have my friends over at night, go out and come back whenever i want to, just live on my own ya'kno.
Getting married, and move out, is totally different than moving out by your own. Yea, of course i want to get married also. But at least buy a house on my own b4 getting married. Living a life like an american kid, is totally different then being a singaporean kid.
Of course i'm greatful now that i have my parents to support me and stuffs. having to wake up every morning to see em, is not that bad afterall. I love them a lot for taking care of me now. But im going 19 oready. loosen up a lil! thats all im asking for.