Give me a man who is man enough to give himself just to the woman who is worth him. If that woman were me I would love him alone and forever.
What a day to start with when u realise that ur 50 bucks gone missing. HOW GREAT!!
Just great. Seriously, great.
If only it was 10 bucks that gone missing.
But why the blue note?!
Seriously, my brain isn't functioning well for a 18 year old kid.
Okay, i find it strange somehow. Troughout this poly life of mine, there were still somethings that my close poly mates did'nt know about. Like my... home phone no.? They have no clue wat's my home number anyways. hahaha. super strange. My primary friends has it. My secondary school friends has it, But my poly friends, they just don't get it. hahaha.
eliane was saying i was being selfish. But no im not. I actually decided on a final choice of not giving away my home phone no. to any of my poly mates for a certain reason. ahaha =D
anyway, saw guo rong in rp today. Gosh i felt so bad for not recalling his name. He's my primary -> secondary school mate and he called me "AMINAH!" gosh. i felt so mean. then i went lyk "What's ur name ah?". Mean i was. ahhaha. He's face turned sour a bit after i asked that question. Sorry la. hahha. been tooo long already la.
Im currently in school rite now. Super sleepy.
I can't even do research properly. Everytym when i read a paragraph of words, my eyes will doze off and i will start my head-banging. gosh.
I want to go to bed!!!
I always got so much things on my head to blog about. But when i start typing out stuffs, i tend to forgot what i want to blog about. ergh.