I need to know, if its for real.
So today was a day out with aqila, venga and syirah. I did'nt really know them. But it was fun getting to know them. Aqila came up with a plan to go ice skating.My ice skating was.... fun. But the part where i fell three times was just bad. ahhahahaha. The last fall was the worst ever! It was lyk, "BOOM!" dammit. hahahha. i fell backwards, and hit my ass, my head, and my hand over my body. Gosh. I could'nt really feel my hand afterwards. and my head was dizzy. But luckily im fine. My hand is still painful due to that stupid fall. hahaha. All of us had our embarrassing fall over there. So yes, i was'nt alone. ahhahahaha.
Break my fast at some korean restaurant. and daymn the food was nowhere near delicious. I could'nt even finish anything. the beef, the veggies are all eww. the only thing i manage to finish up was the soup and the drink.
Oh and i tried this.

hahaha. wth.
Got back home, pretty much tired, slept till 2.