This ring in my middle finger is just ain't lucky no more.
So yes, my portable hard drive just died off on me. and now, im figuring out how do i recover my data. so i went forum by forum. There were two methods. Which really, I mean SERIOUSLY cracks me up. So here goes. read this cpnversation between the 3 of them.Tomale
I used to have an IBM Deskstar 20G as master (running Windows XP) and Western Digital Caviar 80G as slave.
Yesterday my Deskstar started making whirling noises as if it was powering up over and over again.
Today I bought a second Caviar to replace the Deskstar. I connected the crashed Deskstar to the secondary master IDE. I was able to salvage some files before it disappeared from Windows XP. After a reboot, even BIOS does not recognize it. However, the Deskstar is still powered up and spinning.
What can I do now?
Try putting the drive in a plastic bag and leaving it in the freezer overnight. Sounds nuts but I have heard of people that did it and were able to get it running long enough to salvage data off it.
That does sound strange but I'll try that as a last resort. Whatever works. Thanks
Last Resort!
The last resort should be to drop it from a considerable height say 6 feet onto a hard surface, like concrete; try to make it land flat. You can try progression, like 3ft..4ft..5ft..6ft.. over edge of the garbage dump.
I have read, not sure I believe it but that sometimes unjams locked heads (if that is your problem). The freezer thing is supposed to do the same, I believe.
I tried dropping one once, was from about 12 feet. Didn't help it only made things worse... if that's possible (it wasn't working anyway) but then it didn't even spin up.
I hear they make interesting conversation pieces if u use them as door stops. Like.... Oh that hard drive has my 2003 PhD thesis... you see the hard drive failed so I never did get to graduate .
More seriously.. If your willing to pay a couple $K (thousand) there are services that might be able to recover part or all.
Good Luck!
To Sturm, he's idea, was just plain nuts. I mean put the hard drive in the freezer? are u like kidding me? But after doing my reseach almost 70% of the people manage to recover their data back. And still am clueless if i should take the same step as them.
Just so anybody try this, this would help too :-
"If you leave it in the freezer (FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PUT IT IN A STATIC BAG FIRST!) it may help with some certain hard drive crash issues.. maybe long enough to save a few gigs of data to a backup drive."
To Flinx, HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA YOU GOT ME DUDE. that is totally nonsense la! who would be stupid enough to do such things. I dropped my hard drive only abt 3 feet off the table. And now u're recommending sumone to throw their harddrive 6 feet!? HAHAHHAHA. wth. might as well u ask her to slam the hard drive with a hammer osumthink kan. tak payah nak susah susah. ahhahahahhahaahahha. BODOH BTUL! And to tell u the truth, u're stupid enuff to throw ur own hard disk 12 feet off the ground. And obviously, that would make things worse la kan! hahhaha. belo. just face it, you're stupid enuff to graduate oso. ahahhahahah! MEAN MEAN MEAN. but im stating the fact. ahhahaa.
To Tomale, don't be stupid enuff to listen to Flinx. But i guess the freezer thing would work tho.
So yes. im bored. that's the only reason why im doing all this.
heee. ;D