I thought love was black and white
I know this is kindda late.
But lemme just update about a day before valentines.
So, the day before valentine, i was having a chalet.
It was actually a surprised chalet made especially for our dearest eliane.
Yes, it was her bdae, and my gf turned 20.
20 is a big number for you small girl.
Ey, small is cute okay chicka.
HAHAHA. stay cute and stop being such an emo kid alryte!=D
So on her birthday, we made a secret plan with her ex-bf.
We told her we was'nt free on her bdae and that she should just go out with her ex-bf instead.
It was funny how we actually shouted happy birthday to her.
We were standing at one corner of the room, thinking that she would actually pass the way that we thought she would.
So we stupidly stand and hide at one corner with the kanchiong acts on us.
What we did'nt know was, she actually walked from the back.
So there she goes getting a preview of how kan-chiong we were, holding a cake, getting ready with the camera and stuff.
The funny thing is that, when she walked passed us, we actually did'nt notice it was her.
she actually looked like a minah from afar. HAAHAHA
So we was'nt sure. she looked really malay that day.
we were like err, is that eliane?! IS THAT ELIANE?!
... 5 seconds to think ...
..uh... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! hahahhaha.
So yea.
Quite a no of BBQ food were left uneaten cuz birthday girl was full.
then we played the game the king of kings.
Last king was always zhi yang. Hahahha. that gotta suck.
So anyways, here are some of the pictures.