Oh boy, I think im in love

Yeap, im in love with this man.
Green arrow aka quinn oliver.
boy he so hot hot hot.
Ahhh, im just glad his back in smallville.
too bad things between he and lois are'nt that good now.
TAPI TAKPE!! minah ade. dun worry =D
come to think of it, IF luh, if there's such things called superheroes.
And probably, one of ur closest friend is one of them.
Well, let's say both of you have feelings for each other.
Would you be with him?
If it was me, probably i would'nt.
i dunno eh.
Not saying that im selfish or anything.
As much as i love him, i would'nt want to share him with the world.
I would'nt wanna see him fight his life, saving the world, while all i can do is to watch.
hahahaha. okay, topic merepek.
i actually do... =D