We all fall in love sometimes
I've seen your actAnd I know all the facts
I'm still in love with who I wish you were
It ain't hard to see
Who you are underneath
I'm still in love with who I wish you were
And I wish you were here
Sometimes, in life you just can't get what you want.
It will never go the way you want it to be.
And you have to bare with it.
You know, i learn something out of this thing called life.
Sometimes when you just love that someone so bad, you have to learn to let it go at times. Because in this world, Someday, or eventually, there comes a day where we have to learn to let go of them. Truth is, you come into this world alone and you leave exactly the same way. This love im refering to, could be anyone in your life, be it your parents, your siblings, your soulmates, your friends, your new-found love or probably even your pet! hah. But for now, whom im refering to is my sister.
As much as i love her as my sister, the great times we spent together, sometimes, we just have to end it right there. Im not saying that its gonna stop there oranything. Its just that i have to realise, the times we spent together will be a lot lesser in time to come. I've been relying on her a lot. And i mean it, A LOT. But for now, here comes a stage where she found a new life in her. A new life to share with her husband and i understand that she'll have to spend most of her time with him comparing to how she's gonna spent the time with me.
See, at times, u must'nt be selfish. U have to learn to let go. Because soon enough, you'll reached that stage too, and probably, that will be the time when your love ones feels the same way as i am right now. And then, that is the time when they'll have to learn to let go.
So, What im trying to say here is that, everyone has to learn to let go of the ones they love. because eventually, you have to. and you need to.
Now, why am i saying such things?
I overheard my sis saying about moving out. and he was saying "Kesian minah nanti kene keluar balik." and so, i asked them what's up. So, she told me she'll be moving out soon.
And omg at that moment, my tears were storing up in my errrr...... *now help me science student!* ahhaha, nak tunggu jatuh je! I tried to controlled my stupid tears from running down. And i keep telling myself, keep it back keep it back now minah! hahaha. but stupid tears came running down. I really need to control my tears well luh. sheeeeeeeeeesh.
Do you know that, my dad is the king of making my tears run down so easily?!
Once shout, it'll pour down lyk rain drops luh. haha.
No, not cengeng okay. Its a state where people call it, HURT. haha.
So yea, anyways, back to where i was,
Don't you just wish that sometimes, you could live in a house with the ones you love.
But think about it, that will be too selfish don't you think?!
Because, its only what YOU want.
And Not what everybody wants.
And if everyone wants it that way,
even a house could never fit everyone in.
Okay, so here goes todays crap.
I dun even know if im making sense. But yea.
So, my sis is on vacation....
My friends went to cambodia, which i did'nt even know they already did, not until yest when loga's bf told me so. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph!
Now, where am i? Where the hell am i?!
here ok.
writing shits.
watching the day pass me by.
still in singapore eh!
at home luh noob! mane lagi!
dammit. haha.
nurul sayang, aqila sayang,
date luh i. hahhahaha!