Tonight is the night that i will fall for you..
Yey! and so GPA'S out and lucky enough, i manage to maintain it to the same level.Its not going up, still, its not going down either.
So so pathetic! But its okay!
as long as its a passed, alhamdullilah.
I learn something throughout the year,
That no matter how much you skipped your lessons, and no matter how much you don't pay attention in class, its all worth it. hahahahha! really. This semester, i skipped almost 4 days per lesson with a 2 D's on my daily grades, but still, i manage to get a B.
Oh wow, im actually surprised.
But of course, you have to pull up your grades on your Understanding Test.
So basically kan, what imma trying to say here is that... RP's a lousy school to be at.
But now, im really scared about FYP tho.
So what if i say, my sis is pregnant?!
OMG. I can't imagine that luh.
it's like, a chopstick being taped with a ping pong ball.
But no luh, she ain't okay.
Oh, currently, im watching american idol.
There's this boy name, david.
Boy, i like his voice.
Im bored. movie anyone?