I thought i saw something in you. Something good. But i was wrong.
OMG, eliane, if you're back, and if you're reading this, remind me to tell you that,OMG! remember that cute guy we saw back then on our way to queenstown? Then there was this guy whom alighted at commenwealth station? Then we asked each other, what race was he? and i said, he look malay + chinese. Maybe chinese + indian too. Then u said, he looked thai. or maybe phillipino. then we said, he seem lyk a very shy guy. REMEMBER?! REMEMBER?! OKAY maybe ur memory suck ass. ahhaa. he had a long hair with blonde streaks. he was wearing all black remember? HAHAHAHA. omg, guess wat, i got to know who he was. what a small singapore! haha ok enough about him.
So, days were spent by watching gilmore girls. I used to like that show a lot last time. Then i did'nt know what happened, i stop watching it. You know, sometimes, i wished i had a mom like lorelai. Someone whom i can go shopping with, hang out with, you know, stuffs girlfriends do together. But sadly, my mom isn't someone you can do manicures with you see. She's more lyk a "mom mom" than a best friend. But u know what?! I love my mom for who she is! trust me. She could be the most naggiest mom ever. But u know what, what i love about her most is that i could share almost anything with her from boys, hugs, kisses, heartbreaks, everything! And sometimes she'll advice me from what is wrong to what is right.
anyways, that sunday, went out with nurul to find her ns guy at plaza sing. The journey througout the train, i was alone luh. Biase luh kan. the only one who lives along the yellow line. dammit. itu takpe. haha. so i was sitting in the train, watching whose line is it anyway in my psp. i just could'nt contained my laughters luh. And i realised, probably people thinks that im such a weirdo who keeps laughing to herself in the train. who cares luh kan. So yeaaaa, went out with nurul because i was craving for tom yum YUM YUM! OMG, do you know how much i love tom yum soup?! VERYYYYYYY. And so i spent 12.90 on a bowl of tomyum soup. sheeeeesh. but it definitely fills me up.
so yea =D
omg, i really need to stop the so yea so yea.
and oh, someone really irritates the hell out of me.
Because sometimes you have something you need to say but you can’t because the words won’t come out or you get scared or feel stupid. So, if you could write a song and sing it, then you could say what you need to say. And it would be beautiful. And people would listen. And you wouldn’t make a complete idiot out of yourself, but all of us can’t be songwriters, so some of us will never be able to say what we’re thinking or what we want other people to know that we’re thinking, so we’ll never get the chance to make things right again. Ever.