You could tell that i was nervous so you held my hand
OMG. i swear i have weird dreams all the time!Its weird, And i mean it. This is the fourth time i dreamt about her. and im lyk,

and quite recently, i dreamt that i was a superhero. yes! believe it or not!! hahaa. well actually, not really a superhero luh. Just that, in my dream, someone gave me a power. A power to fly. Cool shit ain't it?! that was a nice dream afterall. It almost made me feel like im watching a movie. really. i was trying to control my powers, i was at the roof of apartment buildings, flying like i was super-woman! i was with 2 friends who could fly. But i couldnt remember who it was.
Then there was the other time, i dreamt that i went to the toilet to pee. Then sumhow, my phone dropped into the toilet bowl. and then i woke up.

funny how we could dream about someone we barely even know.
I heard from someone, saying that, when we dream, our soul tends to move around and that is why we could actually dream. So its actually our soul that is in our dream.
But u know what? i think thats bullshit. If that is it, probably my soul went to new york b4. and guess what? i dun even need a passport for that. HAH! -__________-
But why are there cases that people could just die in their sleep? hmmmmmmmmmm.
as much as i want to share it with ya'll.
i'll wait till its the right time.
oooooooooooooooooohhh im lovin it!