Cuz, i can't fake. and i can't hate
So here i am. In vivo coffee bean. Trying to resist those temptations from eating when i see the rest eating. Yes, im the only malay here. Shitty but yea. Im strong enuff to bare this temptation. Skipped school today, first week of semester, but yea. Sorry aqila for not attending class, wanted u to follow, but u already reached class. sigh. I got my first A. lyk omg, that never happen to me before in my entire life of the first week of school. Im glad. haha.Oh oh! on my way to school, the bus almost left me okay. well, partly, it was my fault for not realising that the bus reached. So yea, i only realise when it was reaching. so i got up when it was rite in front of me. and pitily enuff, the bus stop for me. 50m away from the bus stop.
So yest, my aunt came over. and i was definitely not one of her favourites. well, i can see it thru her eyes. sumtyms i hate being judge by people. And the worst thing was, my family and her family fought before. it's just too awkward now. maybe im daddy's little girl and that's y she hated me for. but i dun want to think too much abt it either. if u hate me, then so be it. Who cares about how clever your daughter could be. So dun brag about ur daughter to my parent. ok sheesh. i dun want to get into it. just a sneak preview would do.
Im hereeeeeeeeee waitingggggggggggggg.
waiting for time to pass by.
quick! 7! quick!
i want to eat!!!!!
omg, my friends saw a shooting star.
How cool is that?! and and. i missed it?! daymnit. not my day seriously. sigh.
Sat by the bay. saw this bouy. and i asked loga. it goes sumthink like this lah. hahaha. and it cracks me up sumhow.
"loga, if sumone were to drown in the sea, can i jump into the sea and rescue the person with the buoy?"
"Minah, do you even know how to swim?"
"Nah i don't but i can jump with the buoy in the sea and save the person wat. But wait, what if i jump into the sea, then the buoy went other ways, while i went in the sea without the buoy on my hips sia? i'll drown sia!"
"WOMEN!! U CAN'T EVEN SWIM! DUN EVEN THINK OF GETTING INTO THE SEA. what's the point of the rope, you can just throw that bouy down the sea, and let the person grab it orsumthink right and u don't have to jump with the bouy instead right!!"
hahahha. why did'nt i even think of it anyways. I think, i love choosing choices the harder way without knowing that theres actually an easier way out. and that shows, i do things without thinking at times.
I actually wonder, if i drown, will i survive? or will i die?
hahaha. kay, i can't swim for nuts. 10 seconds, i fall into the sea, i might swallow the salty water. then i might choked. and i can't swim. i'll definitely drown. will there be any time for someone to rescue me orsumthink? hmmm. i'll try it out sumday kay? ahhahahhahah!
im not sure, was it right ot was it wrong?