Crushing on my head are boulders made of lies and dust
Ok, so i woke up, late. as per normal la.And im pretty sure my friends know tat.
woke up 1 on the dot. and the plan was to meet at 2.30 bugis mrt station.
So yea, i was late.
Was in the toilet when aqila called me. And believe me, im the happiest girl in the world today. Aqila gave me the most shocking news for today. She called me and shouted "MINAH WE SAME CLASS! GO CHECK!". I was sooo happy i shouted yey! i was jumping with joy sia. Aqila my fav girl last sem and now, another sem of her. Wooohooo! now, i won't be quiet in class fo sure. Cuz... I got her! YEY YEY AQILA! SO MUCH OF THE I WILL MISS YOU LYK @!#!@4#2 EH. hahah. Ok i took my time to check the class roster, nah, no one i knew except aqila. Hopefully the class is fun and friendly la eh.
So yes, i was late, i did'nt have tym to blowdry my hair and wear the first outfit i could see. So i reach bugis kan, elia was already there la, alone. She laughed at the way i dress. She said i look like i wanna go hiking osumthink. siak btul. ahhahah! luckily i brought my cardigan la. So eliane said, change will be better. So yea, i changed outfit. but my hi-cut looks like urr, disastrous to everything. I went lyk heck la kan! sape nak tgk kan. ahhahah.
Supposedly, nurul was suppose to tag along. But, i dunno wat happen to her, change of moods, she decided not to come. ergh. ahhahaha. Met loga near the OG building. Ate ayam penyet. Then went straight to the library. Hmmm, so yea, found some relevant sources i could use for my pp. I guess, i need to spent more time at the library for quite some time just to finish up my PP in days to come. Its not for loan anyways. and its the only library with the statistic i need. so yea. leceh benar.
Got off the library at around 8? then took some pictures with loga since loga need to go off first. Ah huh. so yea. after that kan. Here comes the interesting part and elia is so gonna hate me for this. ahhahahah!
K, she said, there's a merlion on top of the roof top of one of the raffles district building. She pointed to us before, but i keep telling her, no its not. I mean, why would the government want to put merlion on top of a building kan. ahhahahh! wth! So, today, we took our time, walk down to clark quay, just to see that stupid thing.

and it turns out to be... it's just sum kind of light? with a paper on it osumthink. ahahhahahhah!
We sat sumwhere at the bridge of clark quay afterwards till 11 or so b4 we head home. Sitting on that bridge was like sitting on a boat. It was shaking, and it makes me sick.
aite, toodles!
god, let it stay in my mind, dun let it slip away.