I'll always be there
So outing with the cuzzies was fun fun fun! been so long since i met iza and ika. gosh. they're misssed. so yes. got to meet them just now, lyk finally. after a month of not seeing each other i guess. the yousop's are forever late. so yes. meet them ard 6.50? i got no appetite. did'nt finish my food.
when to vivo after that. sat at the roof garden? yea. then we chilled, tell jokes. hahaha. im always the last to understand the jokes. gah! im super slow. gosh. took tonnes of pics there. Abg as was camera shy. He was running away from the camera. hahaha.
I feel so depressed being the shortest among my cuzzies. Ika, who is sec 3 is like way taller then me okay. how depressing is that. iza, 1 year younger then me is also taller then me. in fact, every of my cuzzies are way taller then me lah! ergh. It makes me feel like a kid. :(
Outing with them was definitely fun. We should do this again sumtyms. :)
So tmr, might be meeting anna, azimah and hazi to catch things up. after, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 month of not meeting each other. hahahha. i miss them a lot!