Losing Grip
So today i made my new ezlink. Yes, i look stupid. I've never been proud of my ezlinks. lol. this is lyk the 4th tertiary card i made. hahahha. okay, im careless. i know. I have the brain of a 50 year old women. I can't deny that. This time, i look shocked in my ezlink photo. ahhahah watever laaaaaaa.Went causeway point after that, took 169 from and mo kio. gosh the journey was freaking long. i think it took me and my mom 1 hour to reach there. We slept in the bus. Reached cwp, wanted to repair my freaking phone, but i was told that it will cost around 80-150 bucks to repair that pityful damaged phone of mine. So i told my mom,buat ape nak repair the phone kan. just buy me new phone sudah. ahhahahhaa! then she think and think, She agreed that the cost for repairing the phone was just way too ex. then she said "Repair other palce" hahahha. sucks. i want new phone mommy pls.
Break our fast at banquet. Met my sis there. Then we walk around cwp. My bro called from his workplace and asked my sis to drive him home instead. Ye la, he was pregnant and he felt sick. hahahhahahha! no la. he was'nt feeling well.
My mom did the stupidest thing today. I receive a msg on my phone, and she pick up my phone confidently and press the talk button and said "hello? hello?" hahahhaha! stupid sia. it was just a msg. you should've look at her face. hahhaha. priceless. cracks me up real bad. hahaha.
So yes, my sis almost hit the red light. she was'nt supposed to drive and yet she continue driving. luckily my bro shouted "stop!". hahah. In conclusion, she's a lousy driver. hahhaa.

Zozi said paramore's coming to singapore!!! True? i read up on sumones blog too and she said the same thing.
Okay tmr heading out with the ex classmates! yey. =P
My i'll be spending my weekends alone in the library to do my pp. ergh. only 4 days to finish the draft. sheesh.