I wanted you to know, i love the way you laugh
Okay. Yest, was sleeping away ard 5. When i heard a bad bad news from my sis bf. The news definitely kept me awake. I was afraid sumthing bad happen. i told my parents, wat if. my dad was on my side, he said call up. But i refuse to. Luckily, nothing happen. and im glad.So urm yea, my friends definitely gonna hate me for this. BUT HELL YEA! I GOT THE SPECTS BABES! ahhahahhahahhah! IT'S NOT WEIRD OKAY. call me ugly minah if u want too. AND NO NO NO. DUN REFUSE TO WALK BESIDE ME AITE. hahahhaa
I had to travel alone to yishun today. grrrr. And GOSHDARNIT, the bus, was just freaking disgusting okay. there's roaches everywhere. one of it were flying away. ASS btul. i sat there with my cram face. Screaming quietly on the inside. ahhaha. scary shit ok. pest are just ain't my thing okay. i hate them lyk i hate life.
My parents were busy painting the living room walls anyway. and i think the colour is... OKAY LA. Im thinking of painting my future house black. how about that?! and everything in the house is pure black and white. cool shit ey. But it won't happen fo sure. hahaha.