I wish I could drive away to the sunset
Back to the day that we first met
Urmmmmmm.Anyways, cuzzie crashed in today. Sleepover after o's. wahweewoo.
So, we spent the night playing bad min ton here. till midnight or so?
Had discussions later on for the 9 Dec. So we had this ideas, the cuzzies will be wearing a real red rose on our hair on that day.
Then we'll be wearing the same on that day.
Okay, After the discussions, we saw this cute mama cat carrying its baby around. Really cute la.
Pretty scary the way it carry it's child tho. freaks me out la! biting it okay! So out of curiousity, we followed the cat. It went to the nearby carpark. The mama cat stopped in front of my sister and let go of its child. So i guess in it's mind, she went lyk "You want my child or not?! you want take it! don't want sudah!" hahahaha. So she continue carrying her child around, and we followed her by her back. So it went sumwhere near my void deck till then, we lost track of her. sigh. we made a really bad stalker.
So yes, that concludes my boring life.
I think im a bad luck charm.