Funny little thoughts.
Ok, my sis, she likes to talk in her sleep.
Scary. but yea.
Anyways, today was a skipped school day.
Instead of going to RP, me and aqila went to NYP instead.
And and, she planned stuffs i did'nt know was about to happen.
ASSSSSSSSSSS. hahahhahaha.
well yea, she knows, i know.
THXXXXXXXXX EHHHH! *aminah shows aqila's pathetic msn emoticon face*
I think i ate ya kun kaya toast almost 2 times today.
I had it for breakfast and my dinner as well.
Oh Oh! so after the NYP trip, i took the train to somerset to wait for my sis luh.
K, on my way there, lots of things running thru my head. Funny things.
So i stood by the rail, smiling to myself luh.
Then kan. Da reach somerset luh. But yet, i was standing there stoning.
Once the door closed then i realise "EH! MY STOP SIA!" ahhahahhaa.
then i call my sis up, tell her about that stupidity.
And soooo, since she's running late, i went merry go round along the yellow line.
i passed marina bay for almost two times today.
you skip, then u sleep.
then u eat. then u sleep again.
So yes. that's life. hahaha.