These foolish games are tearing me apart,
And your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
So lets see, PP evaluation day was today.
Like i said, 1 presentation, 8 posters, 15 mins, 1 question, no makeup. hahha.
Ok, firstly, when i stepped into my booth, there was sumone presenting.
I took my time, called my sis up, to ask for help. Go through with her everything before i stated presenting.
It was nerve-wrecking okay. When i see that dude presenting, every point he made was questioned by the 3 judges. I was so afraid the same thing would happen to me.
It was my turn to present after him, my hands were shaking, my legs were shaking. So i started out without even introducing my name, i realise i was talking so fast. Did'nt know if they get what i said tho. But they look lost sumhow. So, aminah, being so afraid that they are lost, she questioned them. hahaha. i went lyk "When people believe in you and somehow build your morale up, what would you do?" Luckily, i realise they were'nt lost. So i continued. and continued and continued till the end. Then, I was lyk "PHEW~! no stopping with questions" So all i did was, smiling and more smiling. Till the end i was like, Okayyy.... no questionsss plzzzz. plzzzz. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. One of the judge qestion me tho, he went lyk knowing that the mobile market is already saturated, how would they put it in the media, to not only sell mobiles. Luckily i manage to ans, i went lyk, "oh perhaps, they should advertised by promoting not only their mobile plans, but also other kind of services" then the other judge was lyk "Yea yea, lyk the package thing rite?" Then i was actually clueless, but i went lyk "AHHHH! YEA YEA!" hahahhaha. wth. then he blabber about singtel being globalized, that could be the reason why they gain more market share. i could'nt understand actually, but i just knod my head and smile. Then they asked each other "any other questions?" then they went like, i dun think so. good. thank you.
at least ok la.
To say that im happy, im not so sure.
(the games the games of course.)
To say that i don't, it would be a lie.
To say i deny the feelings, it'd be contradicting.
To say i still do, i can't change anything but to face the fact kan?
Hmmmmmmmmmm. im just not sure anymore.
Why? =(