I worry, I wonder all the time why worry
It's killing me, forget about it
So the day was spent by watching a movie.Bro booked 4 seats for the movie. The plan was, me, my sis, sara and my bro were supposed to watch together. But stupid sister could'nt make it last min. So i had to find sumone to replaced her. Iza was busy. So i had elia to tag along.
We were catching a movie called Stardust.
The poster Ad look really boring. So i guess the movie was gonna be a boring one.
But I was wrong. It was a great movie indeed. Hilarious.
Oh, On our way to the cathay, we saw a rainbow!
Ahhh. nature's miracle. beautiful.
So let's see. Urmm.... I hate myspace. I hate friendster.
i received a comment from a malaysian dude saying what's the point of having myspace when u don't entertain them.
URHMMMM. must i really entertain them 24/7? Oh wait, did i get paid for being an entertainer? ahhaha. sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh.
Im trying. So hard. But i just failed so many times. Im a born failure.