Okay, few more hours till the start of a new year.
I've been bloghopping, when i came to realised that everyone has been talking about their new years resolutions. ahhhh, then it got me thinking, what's mine?
If you think that 2007 was really down, then y care about falling?
what's important is to pull yourself up and learn. learn from it.
Dun ever lose hope, because, you'll never know what awaits you next.
So start afresh this new year. Enjoy life while you can. =D
So far, i think 2007, was'nt that bad afterall. I learn so much from it. I shall not say i would forget them, but i will definitely make a change from it. I wish 2008 to be even better.
Im not really looking forward to celebrate this new years eve lyk how i was few month ago. Oh well we'lll see, we'll see what's my impromtu plans.
Now, im lyk wasting breath talking to eliane on the phone. Because, this past few mins, it was only me who has done the talking, and she, SHE'S NOT EVEN LISTENING!
I've been bloghopping, when i came to realised that everyone has been talking about their new years resolutions. ahhhh, then it got me thinking, what's mine?
If you think that 2007 was really down, then y care about falling?
what's important is to pull yourself up and learn. learn from it.
Dun ever lose hope, because, you'll never know what awaits you next.
So start afresh this new year. Enjoy life while you can. =D
So far, i think 2007, was'nt that bad afterall. I learn so much from it. I shall not say i would forget them, but i will definitely make a change from it. I wish 2008 to be even better.
Im not really looking forward to celebrate this new years eve lyk how i was few month ago. Oh well we'lll see, we'll see what's my impromtu plans.
Now, im lyk wasting breath talking to eliane on the phone. Because, this past few mins, it was only me who has done the talking, and she, SHE'S NOT EVEN LISTENING!
So what's my resolution? Get a job maybe? Dun emo too much. Stop whining. Do good at school. =D
And oh, both me and elia's resolution would be... find true love? hahhhhhhhhhhhh. sounds's lyk a fag. but yea. im ready for 2008! im ready!
come what may. =D