You're a falling star.
Starbucks drinks is on the house today!
YES, FREE. from 5-7pm. GO GO GO!
caught in the rain, and now im having headache.
wait, is that one of the symptoms of being caught in the rain?
Or am i just having a random headache?
ahahhaha. k nehmind about that~
There was a point of time just now, when my sis got mad with this cashier at mc.
So after getting our orders, she was lyk "What kind of cashier is that?! So Rude. I must complain man!" Then she went lyk "Omg, was i loud?" then i went lyk "YEA!!!" Then everyone in front of us turned! HAHAHHA. i swear that was funny ok. And i went like "OOPS. sorry." geddit?! GEDDIT?! no? okay nehmind. ahhaha. funny thing is that, i was even louder than my sis luh.
Sis and wan was dancing crank dat soulja boy in the car. lyk OMG. hahahha.
And i swear the car was bouncing!
hahahha. and i was laughing like nuts.
K msn is being an ass seriously.
All thx to my sister who downloaded a virus.
And now MSN got infected. WTH.
Any idea how do i remove this goddarnthing!? grr.
I've used the anti virus software, but they could'nt detect any.
So yesterday was my birthday.
Thx everyone for the wishes!
And thx for the lovely presents too! =D
Well yea, I had to go to school even though it was my bdae.
So, this year was really different.
I had a surprised party in my house.
And seriously, i mean seriously, i had no clue at all.
Initially, i tot NO ONE was going to celebrate my birthday.
And that everyone was busy. Loga and mira had bazaar, eliane said she had to work, aqila was lyk, eh lets celebrate your birthday, but her face was the reluctant-face-kindda-look. hahaha. So, after school, i was held in the class with the classmates for lyk urm, 40 min or so?! waiting for god noes wat fer. haha. then i was bored. Luckily, my sis called me up and asked if i had any plans, so i said no. Then she and wan picked me up after school. So, i was lyk, A LIL down, But i was'nt that SAD OKAY! hahahha. i was like, "Ok luh, nehmind, they're all busy i understand" that kindda thing.
my sis and wan was trying to make me feel good by bringing me to yishun. For wat?! For threading and car wash luh! Then they were lyk "MINAH, FOAM PARTY UH!!!" hahhahahha. they really crack me up. So they bought me shaker fries, then we head sembawang park. For a while only! Then wan wanted to treat me fig and olive at vivo. I was like okluh. But before that, we head home first.
I open up my door, with my selekeh look, then, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Confettis all over! THEY SCREAMED, I SCREAMED, WE ALL SCREAMED. hahahahaha. It was really funny luh. seriously. I was screaming okay! Shocked of cuz! Like wat aqila said, my face was PRICELESS. ahahhahaha.
K this has gotta be the best surprise ever.
My close friends and classmates were there.
All thx to my mom and dad for the help too.
And oh, my sis was a part of the plan afterall!
So there was steam boat, and they had my fav dish, "TOM YUM!" YUMM-MEH!
They bought me the volcom sweater that i wanted but i could't afford. THX LUH SERIOUSLY!!! LOVE IT!!
Ok, so overall, i guess this is the best birthday i had to date.
it was a memorable one.
And i mean it. hahahah
and to end this, "THURDAYS A BITCH!" ahaha.
I just wish sumday i could skip thursdays.
this was the day of the flame award.
Stupid i tell u.
I did'nt go to school, and i realised, OMG, i got UT.
So i rushed to school, with my super untidy uncombed hair, i took the cab, just so that i dun missed the test.
And this, this is last saturday, where my bro was being nice and treated us dinner at carousel. Super nice luh the place. And i swear to god after dinner, i looked lyk a month pregnant.