You keep me from falling apart

Okay okay, take a look at this picture.
I was uploading pictures when i came upon baby aldrin's picture.
And i realise, hey, he looks like sumone. Sumone familiar.
Then i realised, eh he looks lyk me in my strawberry shortcake picture.
hahahhahaha. gosh. maybe the hair luh.
but the guy version of me.
And anyways, i had a dream. As usual, my dream was always crappy.
But listen up, kay it goes like this...
In my dream, it was 3 in the morning or so. I could'nt sleep. And i really really really wanted to see someone so badly. So i took my bicycle, and i rode all the way to bukit batok. Yes, i dunno why ok, but it was bukit batok. Amazingly, i manage to ride from sembawang to bukit batok safe and sound ok. And seeeeeriously, i dunno how long did i took to reach there oso luh. hahhaa. So i went to the blk, and i saw the house lights was still on, so i knew sumone was at home. I saw what i wanted to see from a far, and i say to myself "ok, i want to go home now". ahhahaa. (seriously stupid luh, kayuh jauh jauh, then end up see from afar je). So yea, i continued riding my bicycle, then my tyre flated luh! i got panicked because it was so hard riding a bike with a flated tire, so i was so afraid that i could'nt get home. Luckily, i met my aunt sumwhere ard the neighbourhood, then i asked her to lend me a bike. So i manage to exchange my bike, and sooo, i ride my way home.
CRAP! ahahha.
The thing is, why bicycle sia! hahahha.
So yes, i decided to upload those recent pictures.
and i took hrs to do so okay.
so before anything,
Christmas kenduri.
Family BBQ
Sis wedding ceremony (Thursday & Friday)
Sis wedding ceremony (Saturday)
Sis wedding ceremony (Sunday)