You could be my angel
Okay, okay. Today was a bad bad day.
I think, i can't be alone. When i'm alone, i think of things i should'nt have.
Christmas was spent by heading to my aunt house for kenduri.
Yes, it was rather... boring.
It was ok at first, but suddenly sumthin was just not rite.
So, I sleep in kak siti's room, waiting for mom to head home.
So yea, i was watching peter pan just now.
Seriously, i mean SEEEEEEEEEriously, the show is pretty much stupid.
And peter-pan was being an ass.
Kay, the hatest part was when he said to wendy "This is make believe isn't it?". So, wendy got hurt. And im like

And yea, in the end, he did'nt even get together with wendy, WHAT'S THE POINT SIA?!
and wendy did the most sweetest thing by kissing him. She has a good heart. But peterpan, you suck.
Gosh. i hate peterpan.
Peterpan used tinkerbelle too. sheesh.
Okay, enuff of peterpan oready.
So mon, we had family bbq (shikins bdae party). With the cuzzins and all.
It was fun, tho at times i get really quiet at times.
The day, got me darn tired luh.
I got back home, i can't even manage to stand properly.
It felt like as if my joints were dislocated osumthink.
It gets numb and then it hurts so bad.
The part i enjoyed the most that day was playing 7 level pigs with the cuzzins.
It was funnnneh. We were lyk mad people at pasir ris park okay.
Shouting lyk no one cares. Doing silly actions lyk no one sees at all.
Oh, i even manage to climb a tree. haha.
New years coming up.
I was looking forward at first.
But now i guess not.
Dun even think im celebrating this year.

AND PS: I hate it when people bugs me to send photos to them a zillion of time.
GOSH. GIMME A BREAK COULD YA?! i'll do it when im free ok.
i get irritated by this. seeeeeriously.