Could this be out of line? To say u're the only one, breaking me down like this.
"If only...."
"I should've..."
"Why did'nt i....?"
"I could've...."
Could someone please put some sense into my head.
I mean, seriously.
Why do i keep asking/questioning myself, with all this statements.
Put some sense into me, that it already happened.
And i can't change anything about it.
So, PLS, stop me from all this.
So, i sent my beloved laptop for servicing.
And i can't believe they stripped her open in front of my eyes.
What's worst was that, they stripped her open so roughly. yes!
i was shocked. because, the man did it in an unhappy manner okay.
In my heart i was lyk "Gentle la oi!"
He knocked it with a screwdriver to get it open.
I was lyk.... *urmmm???*
Even acer service was'nt that rough and was even friendlier.
This man, he's just, PMS-ING.
haaah. well we'll see hows my lappie condition will be like in 1 week time.
oh check this out,

k crap. hahahahahaha. i actually tot they were like, promoting condominiums.
and when i see the "i"... i went lyk "AHAHHAHAHHAHA".
Then it reminded me about the mcr concert.
Gosh, how disgusting can people get seeriously?
they were lyk blowing condoms and throwing it in mid air, thinking that, they're balloons. And they went lyk "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" And im lyk, EWWWWWWWWWWWWW. disgusting okay. the one who blows it was right in front on me summore. Grooossss okay. It was all slimy2 summore. eww ok. sheesh.
so yea, back to today, i got back pretty early.. ard 5 or so?
So me and elia planned to meet up at 7 to chill at civic's starbucks.
But apparently, we obviously took our own sweet time and meet at 8 instead.
We walked ard cwp, then we decided to catch the movie, i am legend.
So b4 the movie, we went to starbucks, and oh i have a crush on java chip frap.
Yes, a crush. Was'nt that bad luh. Im falling deep for it, but it's just a crush okay? hahahhaha! ok mere.
I am legend was... good. It got me freaked out ok! I was lyk jumping off my sit at one of the scene. Seriously shocking luh. hahaha. But it was funny how both of us reacted. elia got pack-nick kan eliane?! hahhahahha!
It was sad also, we both cried lyk nobody's business.
and i ended up leaving the theatre with a panda eyes. Yea-uh! my eyeliner smudged. Luckily the whole trip back home was'nt that bad, since there was'nt much people ard to stare at my stupid freaking black eye.
hahhhhhhhhh. so yea. that's about it for today! my lame-old-boring-stupid day.
ok i seeeeeeeee-riously need to do sumthing to my stupid hair.
How could it be nothing at all?