okay, updates updates!
Many asked, "Why are'nt you online lately?"
There's no reason to it ok. i choose not to be online. so yea.
So what have i been doing lately?
going out, sleep, school, out, sleep, school, net, myspace, blog.
pretty much, im living a life as a bummer now.
i just woke up from a short nap. Went yishun after school. Eat, talk, thread, blablablayadayadayada.
Oh, thursday was a dread... i went to school late, lyk ard... 1010?
I was present in class for a while, and when i had to change team, my mood was'nt there at all! i was teamed with sean. Ohmeegooodness i dun like it when he talks. When he talk, he's basically throwing rubbish onto my ears. I hate entertaining him okay.
So i skipped lesson, and went CWP to catch a movie called... 'CLOVERFIELD' with aqila. huahahaha.
Okay, CLOVERFIELD = SUCKASS. period. That movie sucks to the maxima okays! Gosh, buying those tickets to cloverfield is lyk buying a ticket for a rollercoaster ride luh! Eh merepek luh i tell you. I'm warning all beings reading this,
There's no ending to it also. Lyk WTH.
They told me, "Minah, not worth it."
Back then, i kept denying.
But now, i think, i've lost it all.
It could be true.