You're missed
Sup bloggers. i decided to change my blog url. heh. =D
sorry for the trouble. but i kindda hate the sound of xminah-diaryx luh. hahha.
So yea, today, i went out with elia and nurul.
Gosh i miss nurul lyk $#@$@%$@.
I went to school at first, to configue my laptop.
But time would'nt let me to.
I reached there ard 2, and IT helpdesk was closed.
Great orwhut?!
So i'm heading there tmr instead. sheeesh.
Then we head off to alexandra hospital. for elianes dental appointment.
Met nurul there.
Then we head off to city hall next.
Eat at marina square, ayam penyet is the best! hah. then chilled at esplanade where we usually were. We talked till 11+ or so before heading home.

Talk crap as usual. But 1 of the topic was interesting.
It was about, how people can open up so easily.
I mean, how do they do that? Opening up to someone you barely even know.
If they can do that so easily, then teach me. Pass me some skills. haaaaaah.
I myself, tried sooooooooooooooo hard to open up to people, but i just can't do it that easily. I mean i can, but it takes time. But im amused by those who's born lyk that. Gahhh... im jealous. seriously. Life seems a lot easier for them.
Grrrrrrr. Anyway, Im tired.
Oh yea, there's a meteor shower going on right now. And i mean now! up to 100 meteors per hour might be seen after midnight. So stand/sit/gaze/sleep/whatever by your window and watch out for the sky.
Cuz u know why? u might be able to catch shooting stars.
But sadly, the weather isn't doing pretty well in singapore tonight.
So chances of u seeing the stars is pretty much, hopeless. haha.
Awwwwwwwwwww. i've always wanted to see a shooting star. ergh.
AND OH, be careful, superman might just land in singapore tonight. hahahahhaa!
I misss smallville..
i need my hero...
clark kent. :(
You know i felt it, so strong.
That i can even feel what's right and what's wrong.
Why do i feel this way?