It's too late
So back to school was'nt that bad afterall.
I miss a lot of them. I miss those laughters.
The ones who could make me laugh whenever im feeling down.
The ones who craps a lot with me twety four seven.
The ones who could bear all my nonsence. hahaha
Miss blusbites, Miss preetie, Mr Sicko, Mr Harry Potter and Mr tin-nies. Hahaha. yes them.
Class was okay. Lesson was confusing but okay. I like codings better than anything else. And i hate theory. So yes, mon and tues lessons are loved okay!
And when it comes to thursdays....... gosh! i hate it. kay nehmind, dun wish to talk about the fat ass over and over again.
and oh, a great day to start school today by leaving my 40 bucks in class. how careless can i get?!
So yea, you know, i've been noticing peoples hair today. Changes amongst them. Some are weird, and some are just stylish. One was like amy winehouse luh. hahaha
You know, when u had to take the bus to school every morning, there'll be some familiar faces u would come to recognise. And sometimes, you just, get sick and tired of it.
Take an example of mine...
1) Theres this chinese guy in his mid 30s, always looking down when he board the bus, then he'll find his sit sumwhere near the door, some changes was seen in him today... he's hair! He permed it and now, he looks a lil lyk ah beng uh.
2) Then there's this girl, schooling in republic poly too, she'll be sitting somewhere near my sit, sitting down, and at some moment, she'll open up her pressed powder mirror, then she'll do a lil touch up on her face. and oh, she changed her hair colour too, i envy the way she is, because she's really pretty to look at.
3)bThen at one particular bus stop, there's always this old man standing at the bus stop looking like as if he's waiting for the bus. But if u look closely, he was'nt actually standing there because he want too, and the reason he's there was to do a lil work out. yes, of all places... THE BUS STOP. weird huh?
4) Then theres this one guy who's matrep looking, and everytym he board the bus, i mean, EVERYTYM he board the bus, he'll wear the same old orange shirt, with he's cap on.
5) Then, there's this one particular girl who seems really interesting. She's always at the back of the bus... listening to her mp3, staring out the window and loves to people watch. Sometimes, she'll do the im-so-sleepy-headbang in the bus when she gets really really tired. But funny thing about her is that, she'll never miss her stop even tho how hard she banged her head in the bus. and that girl... is ME! hahahaha :D
So yea, thats probably the end of my bus trip!
So today, after school i accompanied blushbites to city hall to get her stuff then head home. Boy, im tired now. really really tired. I was telling her just now, how i wished that sometimes, or maybe just ONE day, every words i speak to her, could be heard. I just wished that you were there right by my side, like you were invinsible, listening to every word i spoke and know what i really truly feel. because i know my feelings are true and that sometimes i feel like i need you to know that but i don't have the courage to. it's just so hard being me u know. so hard. and what's worst is that, i can't figure out why the hell am i lyk this.
urrr ok nehmind, im disgusted by myself seriously. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
ok goodnight loves.