I'll pretend my heart still beating.
If you know that your day is gonna be dreadful?
This is how you kill it.
Well, it goes well for me tho.
Something is really wrong tho, like i can't seem to get the shadows right.
Sheesh! Im not an art student okay! i don't know how to apply the technique of shadows here.
And oh, i took almost 10 hours doing this. yes. 10-hours!
ahaha. this show, that i've got nothing better to do. so yea.

And i still prefer the other one better. I almost give up doing this one.
But i dun like to do things halfway.
so yea, i just continue doing this one tho i know it gonna suck.
I've been craving a lot now.
First, i wanted cocoa cream puff. Then i wanted ferrero rocher. Then i wanted M&M'S.
I manage to get urm... 5 packs of m&m today! yes, and i've eaten... all of them.
hahahhhaa! Kay, m&m's is love okay.
alright! 10 hours killed, now im heading off to bed.
Sad life huh?! well yea, that is pretty much how she lives her life.
"Inside I hope you know im dying,
with my heart beside me in shattered pieces that may never be replaced
and if I died right now,
you'd never be the same"